Schrödinger's Cat

Mark Owen


The Story

Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 on the recommendation of Albert Einstein. It explains the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics in every day terms. The cat may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, resulting from a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

Wikipedia tells us that Schrödinger shared his flat with his wife, his mistress and a cat. Hence he was likely a cat fancier. But why would he devise a thought experiment that was obviously "cruel" to cats? Perhaps because it wasn't his idea but that of Einstein whose biographies, on a cursory reading, make no mention of him keeping pets or even liking animals. It could have been that Einstein, when visiting the Schrödinger's, was irritated by the cat and proposed the experiment motivated by a dark sense of humour. Or maybe Einstein was just allergic to cats?


Verse 01

Erwin Schrödinger lived
In a suburban 	flat
With two ladies and
A quantum physical cat

Relatively speaking
Albert Einstein said:
"Erwin, really you must
Experiment in yourhead".

Chorus 01

"Put your cat in a box,
Leave it there a day,
In a quantum way
Blow off its socks!"

Quantum physics rocks!
Entanglement is cool!
It made Erwin drool
At a cat in a box.

Verse 02

Inside Erwin's head,
Alive or is it dead,
Not really here,
Not really there,

Up in the air,
Has it gone nowhere.
S P C A (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Take Erwin a way!

Chorus 02

I am very much,
Very much the same
Tho' I don't even know
Erwin's cat's name.

I  really must confess
My life is in a mess.
I  don't know where it's at;
Like Schrödinger's cat.


Erwin's disposition
Led to his mission.
Manipulating cats
Taught him quantum facts.

A superposition
An imposition
For a quantum feline
Lost in time.

Verse 03 (Repeating Verse 02)

Inside Erwin's head,
Alive or is it dead,
Not really here,
Not really there,

Up in the air,
Has it gone nowhere.
Take Erwin away!

Chorus 03 (Repeating Chorus 02)

My life is very  much,
Very much the same.
Tho' I don't even know
Erwin's cat's name.

I  really must confess
My life is in a mess.
I  don't know where it's at;
Like Schrödinger's cat.